
Connecticut History Day is an academic program for students in grades 6-12.  It can be offered in a variety of settings: public, private, parochial, or home school. Educators offer the program in a variety of settings, including as part of in-class curriculum, as an independent project, an after-school program or club, or as an assignment for a gifted or talented program.

Why do History Day with your students?  

  • History Day supports CT's Social Studies Frameworks, as well as the C3 Inquiry Arc
  • Teachers can shape the program to fit their classroom needs.
  • Students take ownership of their work. The program empowers them to make choices.
  • Students learn historical research and analytical skills.
  • Students dive deeper into historical content.
  • History Day prepares students to be ready for college, a career and citizenship
  • The program fosters cooperative learning.

If you have questions about how Connecticut History Day can benefit you and your students, contact:
Rebecca Taber

(860) 240-5342

NHD Contest Disclaimer
National History Day and Connecticut History Day do not censor Contest entries based upon content. This means that the views and opinions expressed in student entries are those of the students and/or the sources cited in their projects. They may not and often do not represent the views or opinions of National History Day, Inc. or its donors, sponsors, supporters, partners, or affiliates.

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